LoFi Bedtime Very Tales
LoFi Bedtime Very Tales is all original children's stories, songs, or poems composed by the podcast creator. These delightful tales are designed to help kids learn positive ways to think and feel better about who they are now and who they will be. These nonsensical narratives will increase incidents of amusement for all. Nothing will ever sound perfect and that is okay because we can always just be perfect to each other. Please remember to do things today to make tomorrow better!
LoFi Bedtime Very Tales
How a Puppy becomes a Dog - story about learning how to better manage oneself
Hello. Welcome to LoFi Bedtime Very Tales. I hope your summer or winter is groovedoggin' along with a series of smiles all the while. In this episode I present to you a story of how a puppy becomes a dog. It has nothing to do with becoming housebroken so you can get that thought right out of that beautiful brain that you have my ardent listener. Perhaps the best way to describe this has to do with learning patience and resisting the urge to do something that is not helpful. Remember we must always try to do and think helpful things so as to not provide us with more memories of mishaps, mistakes, or missteps. There are more words that start with M, but I shall only use them. Doing and thinking helpful things leads to a more positive future. Please remember to do things today to make tomorrow better.