LoFi Bedtime Very Tales

Bully - the story and song

Season 3 Episode 3

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Hello. Welcome to LoFi Bedtime Very Tales. In this episode I present to you the tale about a boy who becomes a bully and what compels him to behave this way and what helps him change his ways. Bullies are not fun to be around and they know this better than anyone for they typically do not like themselves too much and this is why they behave in the mean way that they do. Oh bullies are just insecure people of all ages trying to get attention and control situations. Yikes! Sounds like I may know something. I have added a reworked version of the song Bully for grins and giggles too. I hope you enjoy this and as always, please remember to do things today to make tomorrow better. 

*If you care to listen to the new version of the song "Bully" first, please go to minute marker 58:38. It tells most of the story of the song - imagine that!