LoFi Bedtime Very Tales
LoFi Bedtime Very Tales is all original children's stories, songs, or poems composed by the podcast creator. These delightful tales are designed to help kids learn positive ways to think and feel better about who they are now and who they will be. These nonsensical narratives will increase incidents of amusement for all. Nothing will ever sound perfect and that is okay because we can always just be perfect to each other. Please remember to do things today to make tomorrow better!
LoFi Bedtime Very Tales
The Inside Kids - song about kids who only do things inside
Hello. Welcome to LoFi Bedtime Very Tales. I present to you a song about kids who don't want to go outside and mix it up in nature. There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing fun activities indoors. However, if you consider yourself to be an "inside kid" who won't play outside, then you are missing out on heaps and lots of tremendously fun activities. Such as searching for fairies and unicorns, staring into the sky and naming clouds Larry or Angie, catching a grasshopper and setting it free, and you cannot dance or sing in the rain inside. Get up and get outta that home and safely do things to get some grass stains on clothes and make memories under the natural light of the sun. For doing that clearly will help you do things today to make tomorrow better.